The voice of specialist further education

Natspec quality assurance review

The Natspec quality assurance review supports established Natspec member colleges to develop quality assurance capacity in their organisation. Focussing on a specific aspect of the provision identified through self-assessment as needing improvement, the college will be assigned a reviewer from the Natspec associate team who will take a collaborative approach to the review which helps build the capacity of senior leaders to self-assess and quality assure their own provision. Please note ‘quality of education’ is too broad a focus for this service, a college might choose to focus for example on the curriculum for a particular pathway, baseline assessment, safeguarding, learning support or performance management.

Working closely with the college leader(s) the associate will:

  • review relevant reports, policies and paperwork
  • carry out an agreed series of joint review activities on site over two consecutive days.

The support for improvement will include:

  • checking the accuracy of the college’s self-assessment
  • assessing the relevance and impact of quality improvement actions
  • identifying aspects of effective practice already in place
  • suggesting improvement actions.

A report will be produced detailing what is working well and where improvements are needed, along with suggested improvement actions.


£2,100 + VAT and associate expenses (travel and overnight accommodation if required), payable as a one-off fee once the report has been received. Cost includes planning discussions, comprehensive review of materials pre-visit, a 2-day onsite review, and a full report.

Identifying the right support

Before requesting a quality assurance review, we recommend that you look at details of other related Natspec Transform services to ensure you have selected the most appropriate service for you.

  • The quality assurance review is best suited to more established colleges seeking an external view to support the development of quality assurance capacity in their organisation whilst focussing on a specific aspect of the provision. This new service is currently being trialled with Natspec members but is likely to become available to a broader range of providers in due course. In the meantime non-members seeking similar support are advised to talk to us about bespoke consultancy.
  • The health check is best suited to newer colleges seeking a broad, external perspective on their provision as a whole including leadership and governance, curriculum, staffing, safeguarding, and quality systems and processes.
  • Bespoke consultancy allows you to shape the support you receive to match your own needs and might involve an associate working with you over a period of time to implement improvement actions.

Request a quality assurance review

Find out more and request a Natspec quality assurance review

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