The voice of specialist further education


Natspec has collated these resources to support members and the wider sector to continuously improve the quality of further education for students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities.

Table of contents


Key inspection documents

In England:

In September 2022, Ofsted ran a workshop for curriculum leaders in specialist colleges in the South West region. They have given us permission to share the slides used at the event with Natspec members.

In Wales:

Inspection outcomes

Natspec collates and analyses findings from the Ofsted inspection reports of members on a regular basis.

Quality audit

Natspec has created a set of questions and an accompanying self-audit tool to support newer colleges to reflect on the quality of their provision and identify ways to improve.

Quality Times

Quality Times logo

Natspec publishes Quality Times twice a year. It is focused on quality improvement across the breadth of specialist college provision and features articles written by members, partners and staff in the Natspec team.


The RARPA Guide

The Education and Training Foundation commissioned Natspec to produce a comprehensive guide to the use of RARPA with students with SEND. It explains what effective practice looks like at each of the five stages and suggests some robust quality assurance measures to use at each stage. The guide clarifies the links between RARPA, EHC Plans, and Ofsted’s Education and Inspection Framework.

Further resources are available on our dedicated RARPA resources page.

Provision for learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties

Guidance including a self-assessment framework for providers offering or setting up provision for learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). Commissioned from Natspec by the ETF, it can be used to support the quality assurance of PMLD provision.

Natspec also runs Developing the PMLD curriculum for learners aged 16-25 which may be helpful to those looking to develop their PMLD provision.

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