Safeguarding in specialist colleges
Colleges and their staff are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for young people. They play a key role in protecting young people from maltreatment, preventing impairment of their health or development, ensuring that they develop and thrive in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and taking action to enable all young people to have the best outcomes.
Table of contents
Key documents
Specialist colleges are now legally required to follow the the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education. Make sure you are using this latest version as the guidance is subject to frequent updating.
All further education and skills providers in England and Wales must have ‘due regard’ to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. Full details are provided in the Prevent duty guidance for FE providers.
Safeguarding network
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) along with other staff responsible for safeguarding in member colleges are invited to attend a regular safeguarding networking meeting.
Useful resources
This webinar from the safeguarding lead at National Star College provides an overview of the fundamentals of safeguarding in the specialist college context.
These resources have been produced by Natspec and member colleges to help learners with SEND understand and keep safe from the threats of extremism and radicalisation and to understand British Values more generally. Some of the material was produced as part of an Education and Training Foundation (ETF) project; some was presented at a Natspec Prevent conference.
Useful resources
Download practitioner resources and presentations from recent events:
- SEND curriculum resources (this link takes you to the ETF website; please click on the SEND link to access the resources)
- Exploring friendships resource
- ICT Safety and 5 Ts resource
- Online safety resource
- True or False group exercise resource
- Annual Conference Workshop I – Colette Morris & Janet Bailey (PDF)
Prevent Conference Resources:
- 2018_Walsall College workshop
- Selina Stewart ETF slides May 2018
- Sam Slack slides
- Rohan Slaughter Jisc May 2018
- Morning Presentations (PDF) Dec 2016
- Afternoon Presentations (PDF) Dec 2016
There is further help and support from the Prevent and Further Education and Training website.
Remote or Blended Learning
These resources help colleges to offer remote learning safely.