The voice of specialist further education

Access the world through a mobile phone

The technology that most young people and learners will have access to is a mobile phone. iPhones and Android phones provide ways in which to increase access to the world, whether through literacy and numeracy, organisational skills, mental health or visual support. 

To ensure that young people have the skills they require to gain employment, live independently and access leisure activities, it is essential that they discover what their phone can do for them. This course will give staff the knowledge so they can support learners and people in care settings to discover accessibility features and apps on phones. This knowledge should reduce people’s requirement for human support to support basic skills. 

This course will cover how mobile phones and related apps can be used to: 

  • read text both on the screen and when printed 
  • provide support for hearing impaired users 
  • develop good habits 
  • support organisation and structure at a range of understanding levels 
  • produce and control using just a voice 
  • support people with dexterity difficulties. 

This is delivered online as a short course and places can be reserved for small numbers of staff. 


For larger numbers, the training can be delivered in-house for a single organisation. This has the advantage of allowing more time for questions and tailoring the content, so it is specific to your setting. To request delivery of this training online or face to face at your organisation please email 

Upcoming dates

Access the world through a mobile phone

28 November 2024
This course will give staff the knowledge to help learners discover accessibility features and apps on phones, which in turn should reduce people’s requirement for human support to support basic skills.
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