The voice of specialist further education


These resources are intended to support therapists in specialist colleges where therapy often forms a significant part of their inter-disciplinary approach.

Measuring the Outcomes of Therapy Toolkit

Natspec’s outcome measurement toolkit was developed by therapists from member colleges

  • to provide some key resources to help measure the outcomes of therapy for students with SEND
  • to demonstrate the impact of therapy.

The tools included are all capable of measuring the very small – but hugely significant – steps of progress that our students often make. This webinar gives you some ideas of how you might make use of the toolkit.

Posters from the Natspec Therapy Conference 2021

These posters offer summaries of creative approaches to therapy in use in Natspec member colleges.

Therapy webinars 2

Natspec regularly commissions webinars from member colleges to share effective practice. You can find more videos on other topics on our YouTube channel.

Remote therapy

This webinar on providing therapy remotely was originally shown during the Covid pandemic. It was produced by TechAbility with input from Kate Boot (Oakwood Court College) and Martha Currie (Mable Therapy).

Therapists may also be interested in a webinar session Kate hosted entitled Creating and Adapting Resources for Teletherapy.

Interdisciplinary working

Two webinars from different colleges each unpacking the interdisciplinary approach they take in working with students with profound and multiple learning disabilities. The first is from National Star College and the second is from Bridge College.

Yoga and mindfulness for autism and ADHD

This webinar from Seashell Trust introduces the use of yoga within occupational therapy.

Social Stories

This webinar from TechAbility showcases some of the technology available to support the creation of social stories.


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