Curriculum intent, implementation and impact are key focuses of Ofsted inspection. Colleges need to create relevant learning programmes that equip young people with the knowledge and skills they need for their adult lives.
Table of contents
Curriculum review
Curriculum review questions designed to support self or peer review of the curriculum, with space to summarise evidence and log improvement actions.
Curriculum support and challenge – a resource for governors and trustees to help them ask searching questions of senior leaders and carry out checks on the quality of the curriculum in their setting.
Supported internships
The DfE has a comprehensive guide to setting up and running supported internships.
Vocational profiling
A vocational profile is a person-centred approach to finding out and recording what type of work a young person wants to do and why.
Preparing for Adulthood offers two editable vocational profile templates.
The Sheiling College has developed an image-based vocational profiling tool for use with students with more complex needs.
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)
The Careers and Enterprise Company has published a toolkit to help providers deliver the Gatsby Benchmarks for young people with SEND.
Other employability resources
Preparing for Adulthood has a range of useful employability resources.
Mencap’s Good for Business sets out the benefits of employing people with a learning disability.
Sex and relationships education
A list of useful resources for delivering sex and relationships education to young people with learning disabilities collated by Seashell Trust and Henshaws Specialist College.
Provision for learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties
Comprehensive guidance for providers offering or setting up provision for learners with PMLD. The resource, commissioned from Natspec by ETF also includes a useful self-assessment framework with a section specifically covering curriculum.
Natspec Transform runs a two-session online interactive course for managers who are developing a new curriculum, or reviewing and refreshing an existing curriculum, for learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) aged 16-25.