A review of school exclusions, led by the former Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson, will examine the reasons behind differences in exclusions data, and why certain groups are more likely to be excluded from school than others. It will also explore best practice in areas where the disparities are less significant.
The terms of reference for the review are to explore:
- Practice in schools relating to behaviour management and exclusions
- the exclusions process
- practice relating to directing children to alternative provision
- drivers behind variation in exclusion rates geographically and between different groups of children
- best practice in managing exclusions
- the guidance in place to ensure effective use of exclusions
The call for evidence will run until 6 May.
Also on 16 May, the government launched a new £4m fund for 10-15 projects that deliver improved outcomes for children in alternative provision (AP). This follows the publication of a new vision for alternative provision, setting out how the government intends to transform alternative provision to ensure high quality outcomes for all.
77.1% of those in AP have special educational needs or a disability, and over 10% have EHC plans (compared to 14.4% and 2.8% nationally).
Bids are invited on the following three themes:
- supporting children to make progress and successful transitions at age 16
- supporting children to reintegrate into mainstream or special school placements
- enabling better outcomes by increasing parent or carer engagement
There will be particular support for projects that would reach two or more AP settings; are commissioned by school partnerships; or will be delivered across a local area.
The deadline for bids is 22 April and decisions will be made in June.