There are already legal frameworks and codes of practice in place governing provision of education and support for young people with learning difficulties and / or disabilities – but these are not being effectively enforced. As a result, young people are not always receiving the provision to which they are entitled. Without a system of robust accountability, government will remain unable to ensure young people’s rights are being met.
Natspec is calling for:
Greater accountability for local authorities
Penalties for non-compliance with legislation/code of practice, including in England as part of the approach to SEND local area inspection with specific consequences for poorest performers beyond simply re-inspection.
Consideration in England of an increased role for the local government and social care ombudsman in England.
A commitment from UK and Welsh governments that listening to learners is a central feature of any system of accountability.
Better regulation of providers
Tighter controls on the use of high needs funding through conditions set by ESFA in contracts with LAs to prevent use of unregulated provision.
Other policy priorities: