Consultation responses pre-2018
- June 2018: Natspec submission to Education Select Committee
- May 2018: Response to Ofqual consultation on moderation and verification of centre assessment judgements
- January 2018: Response National Minimum Standards for residential standards FE
- March 2017: Stage 2 of the High Needs Funding consultation
- March 2017: Lenehan Review of Residential Specialist Schools and Colleges
- February 2017: DWP Work and Health Green Paper
- January 2017: Health Committee Inquiry into Mental Health
- December 2016: Consultation on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill
- August 2016: Response to Labour Party SEND review
- April 2016: High Needs Funding Consultation Stage 1
- June 2014: CQC consultation response
- May 2014: Code of Practice consultation response