Natspec has worked with AoC to develop a shared vision of a high-functioning FE system which works effectively for young people with SEND. We hope this vision will be supported by many other stakeholders. If you share our vision and want to work with Natspec to help achieve it, please publicly declare your support.
A shared vision
Access to a high quality learning programme that matches their needs, interests and aspirations for every young person with SEND, along with the support to prepare them for a fulfilling adult life
A mix and balance of different provider types, including both general and specialist, which together are capable of meeting the diverse range of needs of learners within a local area and at a regional level
Sufficient staff with appropriate expertise to meet the broad range of needs of young people with SEND, including those with the most complex needs
Sufficient, effectively administered funding for every post-16 provider to deliver high quality, personalised education, training and the support to meet the needs and Preparing for Adulthood outcomes of every young person with SEND
Local areas:
A comprehensive understanding of FE and the needs of 16 to 25-year-olds with SEND in every local area, informed by the voices of the young people themselves and their families, and backed by resource to support effective provision planning and person-centred decision-making about FE placements
Post-college opportunities:
Employers, adult health and social care, higher education institutions, adult learning providers and other agencies, each taking responsibility as partners in supporting young people with SEND who are leaving FE to flourish in the next stage of their lives.