The voice of specialist further education

Fundraising network

This network is for fundraising staff who work in member colleges or the college’s parent organisation. 

Many Natspec member colleges do not have a dedicated fundraising post and ask other staff to take on the role of applying for grants or raising funds. Those that do have dedicated staff only have a single position. This network therefore aims to address the feeling of isolation that many of our members express – the network enables staff responsible for fundraising to meet each other, share ideas and discuss various grant giving trusts and foundations. It is also an opportunity to hear from more experienced fundraising managers and share top tips.  

Network meetings take place on Zoom three times per year. Topics include discussions on resources necessary to successfully raise funds, grants available, information management, making your case and different models for fundraising. If you have any items you’d like to add to the agenda, please contact

If you have questions that you would like to ask other network members, please use the fundraising discussion forum. 

Upcoming meetings

Fundraisers network

21 November 2024
This free event, for Natspec members only, is an opportunity for staff responsible for fundraising to network and share ideas and practice.
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