Natspec has collated some of the latest data on SEND in further education covering key trends, such as:
- The number of 16 to 19-year olds with an Education, Health and Care Plan has increased by 13% since 2017, and the number of 20-25 year olds has increased by 84%
- There are now over 47,000 students aged 16 to 25 funded through the high needs system. Over 29,000 of these are educated in colleges, specialist colleges and independent learning providers.
- There are over half a million students in Further Education with a self-declared learning difficulty or disability
- Since 2017, there have been 28 providers approved as new specialist colleges.
- Natspec colleges educate over 4,000 students, and over 91% of students are in colleges judged Good or Outstanding by Ofsted.
Key Facts 2018