Adam’s journey into the world of work initially started with a 6 week vocational placement back in 2017. Within the first few weeks of Adam’s placement, Percy Hedley and Dobbies staff recognised Adam’s strengths and strong work ethics. With on-going support from College and the Employability Project the relationship flourished.
In September 2018, Adam returned to Dobbies, this time as a part of his Supported Internship programme. With the fantastic support from Percy Hedley’s trained Job Coaches, he succeeded and achieved paid work. Not only has Adam increased his social networks, having Adam at Dobbies in Morpeth has also benefited the employer and staff members. Adam has shown them all what disabled young people can achieve. Employing disabled people provides a more diverse workforce and improves staff awareness of disability issues.
The Catering Manager at Dobbies explains:
“We’ve found that disabled employees are committed and eager to achieve, have good attendance records, they are punctual, loyal and stick at their jobs. It’s good to have Adam in our team”.
Amanda Gregson, Hedleys Work Experience Coordinator added:
“It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Adam and see how he has grown in both confidence and independence. Initially he needed a lot of support and prompts; however through his hard work, great attitude and work ethos he has become very independent and capable at his carved job role. The staff are very supportive and it is evident Adam is a popular member of the team.”
Adam’s feedback is: “I enjoy going to work. I am a busy guy and the staff are always friendly and helpful. It’s great.”
Dionne Smith from Percy Hedley’s Employability says:
“My advice to employers is to have a diverse workforce that is representative of your community.”