The voice of specialist further education

Position statements

Our position statements outline our stance on key issues affecting specialist further education, shaping our outlook on the sector and our policy priorities. These statements reflect our evidence-based approach and ongoing engagement with policymakers, sector leaders, and those directly impacted by policy decisions.

Overall policy direction of UK and Welsh government in relation to SEND/ALN

▼ SEND reform in England

▼ Additional learning needs (ALN) and tertiary education reform in Wales

▼ The need for specialist FE settings

▼ Access to FE for learners with more complex needs

▼ CEIAG relating to post-16 options

▼ Increasing numbers of SPIs

▼ Post-16 alternative provision

▼ Residential specialist FE


▼ An inclusive system


▼ FE funding in general

▼ High needs funding

▼ Capital funding

▼ Funding for high-cost low-incidence SEND

▼ Wales


▼ Disability employment / employment support for disabled people

▼ Supported internships

Curriculum and qualifications

▼ Reform of technical qualifications at level 3 in England

▼ Reform of Entry and level 1 qualifications

▼ English and maths

▼ A non-accredited curriculum


▼ The place of/need for inspection

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