The voice of specialist further education

Royal National College for the Blind

The Royal National College for the Blind the UK's leading specialist college of further education for young people with a visual impairment.
Three students stand at the entrance to RNC
Royal National College for the Blind logo


Royal National College for the Blind
Venns Lane
  • Course Length (weeks):
  • Residential or Day:
    Residential and day
  • Start Time:
  • Maximum Number of Students:
  • Age Range:
    16 – 25


General Description

The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC) is the UK’s leading specialist residential college for people aged between 16 and 25 who are visually impaired. With more than 150 years’ experience, the College continues to enable each and every student to achieve their potential and engage fully in their community. RNC's  vision is for a world where  every person with a visual impairment has true equality. 

Catchment Area

Students come from all over the UK and further afield. RNC is now proud to be able to welcome international students.


RNC offers a wide range of GCSEs, AS and A2 Levels, BTECs, NVQs and OCRs. It is home to the UK’s first Sports Academy for blind and partially sighted players of football, goalball and judo. The College also offers sports such as cycling, running and archery. It also offers the first VI Cisco Networking Academy in the northern hemisphere. 

Support and teaching are provided by a dedicated and highly skilled team of specialist staff using first class resources and facilities. The College also offers a comprehensive work experience programme, together with full transitional support for students wishing to progress into work or university. 

In addition to gaining valuable qualifications and experience, students learn essential independence and mobility skills, ensuring they have every opportunity to live as independently as possible and achieve their individual goals. 

RNC has maintained its ‘good’ Ofsted rating in every category during the last full inspection in March 2024.

Specialist Facilities

The College campus is fully accessible and facilities include: modern and fully inclusive teaching and learning areas; information technology equipment incorporating a full range of assistive technology; custom designed residences to allow for independent living; the audio media centre dedicated to, radio and music technology studios; and thePoint4, a fully accessible sports and leisure facility with gym. 

> Our expertise

> Our curriculum

> Our specialist services


Three students stand at the entrance to RNC
A group of five students are sitting outside the main entrance at RNC.
A student takes part in an ILS lesson
Four sports academy students discuss tactics before a match.

Prospectus Request

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