The voice of specialist further education

ROC College

ROC College logo
ROC College has an exciting approach to learning and skills development by offering personalised, community based programmes.


  • Course Length (weeks):
  • Residential or Day:
  • Start Time:
    New intakes every half term
  • Maximum Number of Students:
  • Age Range:
    16 – 25

Main address

ROC College
The Boatshed
Steamer Quay Road

About the students

ROC College offers personalised learning pathways and bespoke programmes of learning which take into account an individual’s preferred learning styles and environment. Individual needs are identified through their EHCP, needs assessment and the provision of Information Advice and Guidance (IAG).

Our goal is for learners to transition smoothly from college into work and/or greater independenace. We achieve this through providing intense and high quality support within personalised timetables. 


▼ ROC College works with:


ROC College offers opporunities within the following counties

  • Cornwall
  • Devon
  • Plymouth
  • Torbay
  • Newcastle


ROC provides accredited learning based on a personalised curriculum to support individuals to develop the appropriate skills within:

  • Personal and social development
  • Independent living within their local community
  • Access to Leisure and Community Facilities
  • Maths, English, IT and literacy Skills
  • Vocational Skills and work experience opportunities leading to work experience and/or employment.

The community based programme of learning is delivered in collaboration with other providers/organisations that have been identified in individual’s PCP or IAG.

A regular review process ensures that outcomes identified within an individual’s pathway are delivered and appropriate adjustments made to the programme of learning.

▼ Specialist colleges design their programmes around the needs of the learners they have on roll. This college offers:

Specialist facilities

Individualised environments that are conducive each learner.

Learners and staff are actively involved in the promotion and use of assistive technology including the use of I Pads and Smart phones for training purposes, and person centered planning through multi-media advocacy.

Some ROC facilities have sophisticated adaptions including changing areas.

▼ ROC College has:

Other information

Prospectus Request

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