The voice of specialist further education

Hereward College

Study programmes, learning experiences, and work opportunities for young people with complex disabilities and learning difficulties.
Hospitality students in Premier Inn training centre
Hereward College logo


Hereward College
Bramston Crescent
Tile Hill
  • Course Length (weeks):
  • Residential or Day:
    Residential and day
  • Start Time:
  • Maximum Number of Students:
  • Age Range:
    16 – 25


General Description

Hereward College is a national college for people with disabilities and additional needs based in Coventry.  We offer learners (aged 19-25) a varied curriculum that focuses on skills for independent living and employment.

All Hereward College students have an EHC plan, and are registered with a disability or learning difficulty.  Students at Hereward have a whole range of needs including autism, physical difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, complex difficulties and mental health issues.

Our vision is to prepare our learners for the next stage of their lives, providing them with outstanding employability skills and greater control over their future. We have a focus on creating independent individuals who can make more of their own decisions about work education, health and living.

Catchment Area

We are a national provider accepting learners from across the UK and within the Coventry and Warwickshire local areas.


The study programme at Hereward College is outcome focussed, designed to meet individual needs and support progression. Learners can choose from a range of subject areas and qualifications that are supported by work experience, enterprise projects, taster sessions, and placements related to their study as well as developing the skills needed for independent living.

A pathway approach to learning ensures that all levels are catered for, from Pre-Entry up to Level 3.  There is also a Learning for Life sensory group specifically aimed at students with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

An individualised and targeted programme of study is available which provides intensive support for learners with more complex needs. These learners are likely to have high anxiety, difficulties in social communication, challenging behaviours and mental health needs.

The learners are supported by an onsite team of highly skilled experts in autism, clinical psychology, psychiatry and occupational therapy who complement a person centred, structured curriculum which promotes life skills and independence, resilience and self-confidence.

Specialist Facilities

All students are assessed for any technical support they may need before starting college. Assistive technology is part of daily life at Hereward and students can access a whole range of support in the classroom, for independent study, on work placements and in the residential accommodation.

There are a range of onsite therapies available to suit individual needs and support learners achieve their goals for learning, independence and leisure. This includes physiotherapy treatments, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy along with a nursing team to offer advice and support students with medical care.

A team of learning mentors can support with social and personal skill development and independent learning staff provide practical help and physical support both in an out of the classroom.

Learners have access to a range a fitness activities including a fully equipped gym with a wide range of exercise machines, many of which are adapted to accommodate varying disabilities. There is also a large sports hall and outdoor multi-use games area used for team games.

Other Information

We place employability at the heart of everything we do, with an ambition is to be recognised as the centre of excellence for disability employment and enterprise in the region. Hereward College manages initiatives to help young people with disabilities gain employment while supporting employers to provide inclusive opportunities.

We work with several national and regional employers to provide a breadth of work experience and supported internship placements to its students, and uses innovative technologies to maximise learners’ success at work.

Our highly successful supported internship scheme has seen rapid expansion in recent years with high numbers of participating learners achieving sustained employment as a result.

Hereward College provides a crucial step in bridging the disability skills gap and enabling young people to gain access to employment, live independently, and become valuable and engaged members of the community.

> Our expertise

> Our curriculum

> Our specialist services


Hospitality students in Premier Inn training centre
Students on work placement at a local employer
Art and design student working on a project
Student taking part in STEM activity

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