The voice of specialist further education

Flourish FE (KMBC)

Flourish FE (KMBC) logo
Flourish FE offers an individualised sensory curriculum for students with High Needs as part of Preparation for Adulthood


  • Course Length (weeks):
  • Residential or Day:
  • Start Time:
  • Maximum Number of Students:
  • Age Range:
    19 – 25
The front of our building displaying the Flourish FE logo

Main address

Flourish FE (KMBC)
102A Woolfall Heath Avenue
L36 3YE

About the students

The provision is for young adults aged 19+ with very high and/or complex needs combined with challenging behaviours. 

▼ Flourish FE (KMBC) works with:


The catchment area is Knowsley only, we are not a direct application provision and can only be accessed if no other suitable further education provision is available within the borough. The young people must also be resident in Knowsley, or have been long term, within the Knowsley care system whereby it is the intention that their adult lives will be as a Knowsley resident.


The curriculum is based around Preparation for Adulthood and provides education which combines academic and vocational content with sensory input, therapies, practical life skills and support to develop communication, self regulatory behaviour strategies, self advocacy and independence skills wherever possible . 

The current curriculum timetable consists of approximately 60% community based activities. Sessions and activities planned at Flourish incorporate academic and vocational teaching and also address the various sensory needs of our learners. This ensures our learners have access to multiple opportunities to learn how to become more independent as well as supporting them to regulate behaviours and thus building self-esteem and confidence.

Some activities included on the timetable will be planned on an individual need, based on their interests, preferences, skills and outcomes of their Education Health and Care Plans. However, other key activities are core to the curriculum and all learners will take part in them, for example, healthy lifestyles, community access and practical and personal life skills in Preparation for Adulthood. 

We continually adapt and build our curriculum adding and changing content to meet the needs and interests of all our learners. At the moment our curriculum consists of the following. Arts/Crafts, Horticulture, Sensory Circuits, Health Wellbeing and Exercise ( inc swimming) Music, Maths & English, Practical and Personal Life Skills, Community Access, Nature & Environment and Sensory Celebrations. We further support the delivery of this curriculum for individual students who have additional input from health, therapies and social care.

▼ Specialist colleges design their programmes around the needs of the learners they have on roll. This college offers:

Specialist facilities

Flourish has its own purpose built accomodation fully accessible for all students. There are three large classrooms each with their own kitchen and food preparation areas, as students are encouraged and supported to cook their own meals and snacks.  There is a large hall, as well as a room specifically for sensory relaxation, providing spaces for either chilling and relaxing or for physical activity. There are also accessible care facilties including showers and wetrooms with a hoist. A secure outdoor space in the form of a small garden and patio area is available at all times, and finally for sports and exercise activities Flourish also has its own astro turf court adjacent to the building. 

To support learning and development, there is a staffing ratio of minimum 1:1 for all learners, some may require 2:1 in the community . The maximum class sizes are 4 students,  each class with a minimum of 1 tutor and 3 learning support assisitants. Flourish does not have its own therapists but works closely with the the wider teams supporting all the young people. As such therapists and specialists such as the Visual Impairment Team, health care and social care provide support and input on a regular basis. Their input informs how we may need to change our delivery or adapt it to best support the learners.

On a transport note, Flourish has it's own vehicles which are driven by the staff, these provide transport to and from the provision each day, as well as ensuring the community is accessible at all times not only for planned visits but to take advantage of any community learning opportunities as they arise .


▼ Flourish FE (KMBC) has:

Other information

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