The voice of specialist further education

The ILR drop-in and Q&A session


This session gives colleagues the opportunity to ask and discuss ILR related issues or queries, especially in advance of upcoming data returns.

VAT on fees – Natspec response to Treasury


This session is for finance managers, Heads of College and any other staff who may be involved in setting fees and charging local authorities.

10 steps to improve your Assistive Technology


Do you want to increase the ways in which technology can support learners’ independence and study? This live session will cover ten ways to improve the delivery of technology solutions for learners with SEND. The session is facilitated by one of Natspec’s expert Assistive Technologists and will move through ten quick-fire topics to cover a range of assistive technology support practices.

Autism network


Meet with staff from Natspec colleges to discuss your work with autistic learners, share ideas, recommendations for training and compare experiences. 

Quality assuring specialist FE provision (session one)


Learn how to build a rounded, accurate picture of the quality of provision with different quality assurance activities. This two-part training gives you a chance to put theory into practice and reflect on what works for your provision.