The voice of specialist further education

Natspec Forums: A Guide

Natspec Forums: A Guide

If you are a Natspec member, you can register for and use our member forums. This is a place to gather and discuss issues with colleagues from other colleges.

Registering as a User

You can register as a user in the Members Area. To register, you will need to use your organisational email address. If you have problems, please email with the email you are using and we can resolve them.

The registration process also has been known to not work in Internet Explorer; please use an alternative web browser to register.

Using the Forums

You can access the member forums here. The forums are organised into multiple topics for various issues. Please post in the appropriate forum.

When you access a particular forum, you are taken to a list of topics currently in that forum.

Posting a topic

To post a new topic, scroll to the bottom of the forum where you will find the following box:

A screenshot showing the 'add new topic' section of the forums

Enter a topic title, and post the main text of your message in the larger box. When you have written your message, click the submit button and your topic will be posted.

Replying to a topic

You reply to a topic in much the same way as you post a new topic, only you do not have to pick a topic title.


You can see what forums and topics you are subscribed to by accessing your forum profile. This can be done by clicking the link that appears when you are in the members area.

Screenshot of the Members Area navigation showing the Members Home, Member Forum, Natspec Knowledge, Forum Profile and Logout links

A screenshot of the profile navigation, showing links to profile, topics started, replies created, engagements, favourites, subscriptions and edit

You can then access a list of subscriptions and unsubscribe from them as you wish to.

You can also subscribe and unsubscribe from a forum or topic from the forum or topic page.

Subscription emails

If you are subscribed to a forum or topic, you will get an email when the forum or topic gets a new post.

If you wish to reply to the post, you should follow the link in the subscription email to the topic, and follow the instructions above to reply to the topic. Do not send a response directly to the subscription email received; it will not reach the person you are intending to reach.

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